Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass - is the combined surgery procedure, during which both the volume of the stomach (by almost 90%) and the length of the digestive tract is reduced.  From the upper part of the stomach a small stomach pouch of 15-30 ml volume is created.  Thanks to this, a very little amount of food is enough to experience the satiety. (The pouch restricts the food intake at one time and the patient experiences the early satiety).

Usually, from the stomach the food passes to the small intestine, in which the biggest amount of nutrients and calories are being absorbed. During the gastric bypass surgery the created small stomach pouch is attached to the middle part of the small intestine (duodenum), in such a way the remaining part of the stomach and some part of the small intestine are bypassed.

 Such procedure shortens the movement of food through the digestive tract, therefore fewer nutrients and calories in foods are absorbed. The length of the bowels to be shortened depends on the patient‘s BMI.


At the time of consultation, the operating surgeon evaluates your health condition, weight change history, doctor specialist’s referral information and patient’s expectations after the surgery. The surgeon will answer your questions about the surgery, and will provide more information on the healing and recovery process. As with all gastric surgeries, dietitian’s consultation is necessary prior to the surgery. The dietitian will evaluate your current eating patterns and will provide extensive information on how your diet should change after the surgery.


The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. At Kardiolita hospital, gastric bypass surgeries are performed by the leading gastric and abdominal surgeon – Prof. Antanas Mickevicius. Gastric bypass surgery is performed using minimally invasive laparoscopic technique under general anesthesia. 


  • It is recommended to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days after the surgery. For patients having flights, it is recommended to fly not earlier than on the 4th day after the surgery to avoid any possible complications.
  • Most patients return to work after 2 weeks after the surgery.
  • Most patients return to their normal activities in 3 to 5 weeks after the surgery
  • Pain medicine may need to be taken for 7-10 days after the surgery.

Possible complications 

The risk of complications may arise due to improper treatment of anastomosis – surgical connection between two parts of the bowels. Possible complications include:

  • Anastomosis leak, when the fluid from the digestive tract leaks to the abdominal cavity causing the risk of infections. Such complication occurs in 2 percent of cases.
  • Anastomotic narrowing – sometimes scarsformed during the healing process at the anastomotic site, can narrow the diameter of the bowel and interfere the metabolism.
  • Anastomotic ulceration. Reasons for ulcer occurrence may be insufficient blood circulation in the anastomosed region, strain, increased gastric acidity and smoking. Common in 1-16 percent of cases.
  • Gastric dumping syndrome – condition associated with too rapid gastric emptying.
  • Vitamin, mineral and nutrient deficiencies.
  • Average weight loss after bypass surgery is 65 to 80 percent of the excess body weight. 

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